I would really like to say thank you for everything. You, and Tran’s Martial Arts and Fitness Center have made such a positive impact on my life, especially my past two years in middle school.
The life-lessons have really taught me how to handle situations the smart way. And, honestly, Tran’s is my favorite place to be, especially after having a bad day. The environment has been so positive and encouraging that it just brightens my day and makes me feel better no matter what has happened that day.
Being a student at Tran’s has given me more confidence, a positive attitude, and better fitness. I have learned to respect myself and others through both the Tae Kwon Do and Muay Thai Programs. Tran’s has also helped me through some of my toughest times, and hardest situations. And I am very thankful for that.
I am very proud to have my Black Belt, and still be in the Muay Thai Program at Tran’s. Tran’s has felt like a home and family to me for a very long time, and I am definitely going to continue here for as long as I can. Thank you, so much. I have become stronger mentally, emotionally, and physically. I have learned how to love and respect myself and others. All thanks to you and your school, Tran’s. I will really miss you here, but also wish you the best in California.
Jenn Ferrall